Our teaching activities are part of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering, in both the Bachelor Degree (Ingegneria Aerospaziale, in Italian) and the Master degree tracks (Aeronautical Engineering and Space Engineering, in English).

Propulsione aerospaziale

  • Course: Ingegneria Aerospaziale (bachelor)
  • Languge: Italian

Il corso si propone di fornire agli studenti le nozioni base e gli strumenti metodologici necessari per la comprensione, l’interpretazione critica e lo studio preliminare delle prestazioni dei sistemi propulsivi aeronautici e spaziali. Il percorso formativo comprende una parte introduttiva volta a presentare le differenti tipologie di sistemi propulsivi aerospaziali, il loro campo di applicazione e i parametri di merito che li caratterizzano. Una successiva parte teorica fornisce i principi fisici di base, le nozioni di gasdinamica, termodinamica e chimica necessari per la descrizione analitica dei sistemi propulsivi aerospaziali e dei loro componenti. Infine vengono presentati ed analizzati in dettaglio sia i singoli componenti che l’intero sistema propulsivo aeronautico/spaziale.

Combustion processes in thermochemical propulsion

  • Course: Aeronautical Engineering (master)
  • Languge: English

The course provides the students with a broad introduction to the principles of combustion, which form the background to all combustion phenomena, as well as applications to the different air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems. It involves a multidisciplinary view of combustion processes and aims to advance the capacity to quantify parameters, constraints, possible improvements of combustion processes in aeronautical and space propulsion systems.

Space propulsion

  • Course: Aeronautical Engineering, Space Engineering (master)
  • Languge: English

The course aims at supplying a strong specialistic knowledge-base in space propulsion systems and related topics. 

A wide range of propulsion configurations (both chemical and non-chemical) will be explored, referring to both high-thrust rocket motors for access to space and space navigation systems (orbit transfer, station keeping, interplanetary missions).

Launch systems

  • Course: Aeronautical Engineering, Space Engineering (master)
  • Languge: English

The course approaches the conceptual design of a launch apparatus, intended as acceleration device.

The lectures introduce the student in the process workflow, aiming at:

  • merging the background knowledge-base obtained from different courses and specialize it in the field of rocketry;
  • gaining sensitivity on iterative processes for definition of requirements, specifications, and analysis of multiple options (house of quality, Pareto sensitivity);
  • proposing a technical workflow for the conceptual design of a launch apparatus (space rocket or missile);
  • supplying the student a flexible and practical approach for conceptual design, in general sense.